Design Brief
Create packaging for a cannabis company selling three different products, which individually promote a different state-of-mind. The products must have a cohesive visual language that can quickly draw in interest from the consumer while capturing the promoted state-of-mind. 
Concept Sketch
My initial idea was to draw three containers which showed the actual products inside the illustration through a window. Each container would be set in a scene that fits the state-of-mind. 
Early Process
This first design was not successful because there were too many different concepts and the idea of a relaxing vacation was not fully supported by the illustrations. Subsequent designs had a more focused concept while pushing the vacation and relaxation theme. 

I drew inspiration from vintage cartoons and mascots to explore as a visual language. I chose colors and type that complimented the style of the illustrations.

Final Product
The characters represent a scene that promotes each product’s intended use. The window concept is no longer supported by the original container illustrations, but it is still integrated with the illustrations in a way that blends reality.
Characters related to studying to promote focus.
Characters related to studying to promote focus.
Characters related to vacation to promote relaxation.
Characters related to vacation to promote relaxation.
Characters related to partying to promote social interaction.
Characters related to partying to promote social interaction.

I was able to maximize the use of the window by turning it into a mouth with eyes on the inside of the packaging.

I wanted the boxes to be really interactive and reward users for being curious and exploring.

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